This week I finished up teaching a 3 day, 21 hour intensive session on SketchUp to designers taking NYU’s Summer Interior Design Certificate. The exercises were geared towards quickly visualizing interior spaces and using LayOut to create a design presentation. Students took this session as part of a 5 week long course.
About The Author

Daniel Brown
Dan has been a designer, Sketchup trainer and 3D modeling specialist since receiving his Architecture degree from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 2007. Dan served as a SketchUp and Google Earth trainer for Google prior to starting db-3D and As a trainer, Dan has taught hundreds of architects, designers, & planners how to use SketchUp Pro.
Dan has taught SketchUp all over the United States, including at the AIA National Convention, Design Philadelphia, SEGD Convention, as well as through SketchUp’s Visiting Professionals Program. He is also an Adjunct Instructor at Harcum College where teaches a SketchUp course in the Interior Design program.
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